An ongoing series utilizing free form thinking and the I Ching to enhance synchronicity and to preserve an exact minute of time in space.
"2.17.23", 2023. Color pencil, silver foil pen, and graphite
"2.8.23", 2023. Color pencil and graphite
"11.7.22", 2022. Color pencil and graphite
"11.2.22", 2022. Color pencil and graphite
"10.31.22", 2022. Marker and graphite
"10.21.22", 2022. Color pencil and graphite
"9.22.22", 2022. color pencil, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"9.17.22", 2022. color pencil, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"9.8.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"9.2.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"7.13.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"7.7.22", 2022. color pencil, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"6.24.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"5.30.22", 2022. Color pencil, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"5.27.22", 2022. Graphite
"5.26.22", 2022. color pencil, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"5.21.22", 2022. Color pencil and graphite
"5.10.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"5.4.22", 2022. Color pencil and graphite
"4.30.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.29.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.26.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.20.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.18.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.15.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.2.22, 2:27pm", 2022. Graphite, and crayon rubbing
"4.2.22, 12:20pm", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"3.30.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"3.29.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"3.26.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing
"3.25.22", 2022. Letraset, graphite, and crayon rubbing